
Whs Legal Updates

The Federal Register is a legal journal published every weekday by the National Archives and Records Administration on federal news. It includes federal agency regulations, proposed rules, public announcements, executive orders, proclamations, and other presidential documents. The Occupational Health and Safety Modification (GHS Labelling) Regulations 2020 update the labelling requirements for hazardous chemicals from the 3rd revised edition (GHS 3) to the 7th revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS 7). In 2011, Safe Work Australia developed a unique set of MHS laws to be implemented across Australia. These are “model laws”. For the WHS Model Laws to become legally binding, the Commonwealth, States and Territories must implement them separately as separate laws. Get legal advice if you need help applying the law to your situation. To have legal effect in a jurisdiction, a model code of conduct must be approved as a code of conduct. To determine if a model code of conduct has been approved in a particular jurisdiction, contact your local WHS regulator. The WHS Model Regulations Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the WHS Model Regulations.

WHS legislation is supported by our enforcement policies, which complement national compliance and enforcement policies. 42 (1) and (2), 43(1) and (2), 44(1) and (2), 45, 46 and 47(1) Updated information on the new beryllium standard for the prevention of chronic disease and lung cancer in workers. If you transport dangerous goods by road and rail, you must comply with these laws to ensure the health and safety of your employees and others. The EPA is responsible for regulating the transportation of dangerous goods and SafeWork NSW is responsible for regulating pre-shipment activities, including packaging, labeling, and proper classification of dangerous goods. The Directive sets out the compliance and enforcement objectives, as well as the principles underlying the approach taken by WS regulators to monitor and enforce AHS legislation. The Occupational Health and Safety (Demolition Licence) Regulations 2022 make some amendments to the WHS 2017 Regulations to transfer the existing abortion licensing system from the repealed Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance, 2001 to the WHS Regulations. 19, 22(3), 46(2), 46(3), 46(4), 47, 50(3), 66(2), 66(5), 68(1), 70(1), 70(2), 77(5), 85(1), 85(2), 85(2A), 85(3), 149(1), 150(1), 150(2), 151, 162(4), 165(1), 176(2), 182(4); 187, 188, 195, 196, 198, 200, 213, 224(1), 224(2), 235(2), 236(1), 236(2), 236(3), 239(1), 239(2), 253, 254, 294(1), 295(1), 295(2), 296, 298(1), 301, 302, 303(3), 304(2), 304(3), 304(4), 308, 310, 311(1), 311(2), 312, 313(3), 316, 317(1), 327, 336, 337(1), 337(2), 338, 344(3), 344(5), 344(6), 346(3), 347(3), 369, 371(2), 372(1), 373, 385, 387, 388(2), 388(3), 398(2), 401(1), 403(1), 403(3), 409(1), 410, 415(2), 425(1), 425(2), 426, 427(1), 427(2), 428, 429(5), 430(1), 432(5), 433, 438(1), 438(2), 439, 446(1), 446(3), 448, 451(5), 454(2), 454(3), 455(2), 455(3), 464(3), 465(1), 465(2), 465(3), 466(1), 466(3), 482(3), 529, 547(2), 548(2), 551, 553(4), 553(5), 555(5), 557(8), 560, 562(2), 563, 567(4), 570, 576. The Act establishes a framework for the exchange of information between NSW Health and SafeWork NSW for the notification of certain dust-related occupational diseases and establishes a dust-related disease register maintained by SafeWork NSW. SafeWork NSW will publish an annual report on the dust disease registry on its website. The law also gives NSW Health broad powers to share information with NSW WHS regulators and requires SafeWork NSW to conduct a case study to investigate exposure to crystalline silica in the stone industry. In addition, the Digital Introductory Training Cards Regulations, 2020 allow for the issuance, use and deletion of digital versions of general training cards for introduction to construction. The amending ordinance also amends section 702 to include the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.

This change will facilitate the flow of information between SafeWork NSW and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, which is necessary for investigations and compliance on certain issues. It is essentially identical to the 2011 regulations, except for minor changes, including formatting and correction of typos. Amendments were made to the WHS regulations to increase fees and better align them with the Model Health and Safety Regulations – the national framework. The model MHS Act and Regulations and related documents have been updated to reflect a number of recommendations from a 2019 review by Marie Boland (Boland Recommendations) Other Boland recommendations are still ongoing, such as a review of incident reporting provisions.